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Direct and indirect questions
[ Скачать с сервера (69.2 Kb) ] 30.11.2017, 19:19
Indirect questions
Indirect questions в английском языке нужны, чтобы:
сделать вопрос более вежливым;
задать личный вопрос и не прозвучать при этом грубо;
задать вопрос в ненавязчивой манере.
What is the difference between direct and indirect questions?
Analyze the sentences and tell the rule.
Direct questions

Where do you go in summer?


What did you eat for lunch?

When is his birthday?

Indirect questions

Could you tell me where you go in summer.

I wonder what you eat for lunch.

Do you know when his birthday is.

Difference between direct and indirect questions
Direct questions




Where do you go in summer?

What did you eat for lunch?

When is his birthday?


Indirect questions

Вводная фраза

(вежливая фраза)


Could you tell me where you go in summer.

I wonder what you eat for lunch.

Do you know when his birthday is.


Introductory clauses
(Вводные/вежливые фразы)
1.Could (can) you tell me…
2.I would like to know…
3.Can I ask you …
4.Do you know …
5.I wonder …
6.Would you mind telling me…
7.Do you have any idea…
8.Could you give me some information about…
1.Не могли бы вы сказать мне…
2.Я бы хотел знать…
3.Могу я спросить у вас…
4.Вы знаете …
6.Вы не против сказать мне…
7.Есть ли какая-нибудь идея (мысль)…
8.Не могли бы вы дать мне информацию о …
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